Why we love raw milk
- Raw milk tastes DELICIOUS and is excellent for fresh drinking or those who wish to make their own dairy products, especially yogurt & cheeses.
- Raw milk is naturally sweet, and also contains natural probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and more.
- Raw milk may be easier to digest, even if you can’t handle store milk or dairy in general (this is what led me to A2/A2 raw milk, see my story below)
- Raw cream!!! We leave 100% of the cream in the milk, which naturally rises to the top. Shake it up for a full-fat milk or skim off the top to make butter, ice cream, soups and more.
Per MN State Law, you must come to the farm and bring your own containers to pick up milk.
Give us a call or send Leah a message to check availability.
Milk quantities are limited, so be sure to call, text, or email Leah before heading to the farm.
We do our best to keep a few extra gallons of raw milk available each week for new customers to try. To be notified about availability and reserve yours, please sign up for our weekly ‘Farm Fresh Sheet.’
We love the growing interest in our milk (it’s truly awesome!), and the weekly email helps me stay organized each week.
Leah’s Personal
Raw Milk Journey
I never would have guessed I would be drinking raw milk. I grew up drinking milk from the store and loved the dairy industry. I have always been proud my mom grew up on a dairy, and that my grandpa and uncle used organic methods to raise their cows and crops. Truly a labor of love, dairy farmers work SO HARD to provide food for our nation.
In high school my favorite job was milking on a local dairy, and I even had the honor of serving as a local county Dairy Princess, promoting dairy products to our community. To say I loved dairy of all kinds would be an understatement.
As I got older and started having kids, my body could no longer digest dairy. It was both unexpected and extremely frustrating for me. I would stubbornly drink milk or enjoy a bowl of ice cream and become extremely sick, sick to the point of not sleeping all night with intense stomach pain . After a year of fighting it I ended up at the doctor’s office to find out what was wrong with me. It turns out my body was no longer producing enough lactose, the enzyme needed to break down milk. Defeated, I chose to stop consuming dairy altogether.
When we made the move from town to country a friend shared with me that many individuals who cannot digest dairy products from the store do better with unpasteurized, non-homogenized milk from cows with an A2A2 β-casein protein in their milk. I was intrigued, and since we were building a beef herd and already set up for cattle I decided to add a Brown Swiss milk cow to test it out. That first glass of milk was heavenly! I drank a small amount, expecting to get sick again, but much to my delight I felt great. That snowballed into making all my own dairy products – butter, yogurt, ice cream, cheeses and more. I have never felt healthier in my life and am so thankful to be able to enjoy the goodness of dairy again in our home.
Need Good Milk for your family?
Reach out to Leah at 507-232-9902 or email [email protected] to check current availability.