What is the last big goal you set for yourself?
My oldest daughter Natalie set a goal to run 200 miles this summer. It took me by surprise as no one in our family really runs (except after loose cattle maybe – ha!), but I am excited to share that our 15 year-old daughter is well on her way to reaching her personal goal.
She has faithly run every day since June 1st, and is currently at 137 tracked miles! Her younger brother Gordon, and one of the neighbor kids, have started running some evenings with her as well.
I love watching them run out on the gravel road, passing by the cows in the pasture, with our farm collies tagging along in their cheerful, effortless gait. The first few weeks she came in red and puffing, dropping comments like “that was aweful” but the past week she lightly jogs up and says things like “I feel amazing!” or “I ran 5 miles tonight and feel great!”
I’m so proud of what she is accomplishing, and thankful we can keep her fueled up with good, simple foods grown right here on the farm to support healthy habits she can take with her into adulthood.
So now it is your turn! Think back to your big goal. How are things going? I would love to learn more about your personal goals and support you with prayer and encouragement. I’m here to serve you — that is the reason Benjamin and I opened up our farm to more than just our family circle. We want to create real connections with others and share this earthly walk with beautiful friendships. One step after the other until our race is run.
“Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” ~ Corinthians 9:24b-25