When you purchase a quarter or half beef, you’re getting premium cuts like steaks at the same price as ground beef while stocking up on nutritious, delicious meat to feed your family for months.
1/4 Grass-Fed Beef Share
1/2 Grass-Fed Beef Share
Do you prefer to work directly with the butcher?
If you want to customize your cuts directly with the butcher and purchase based on hanging weight, I’m happy to accomodate. Our farm has two slots at Schmidt’s Meat Market on August 27, 2025 in Nicollet, MN, perfect for those familiar with buying a cow this way. Available for 1/2 or Whole Cow Purchases only. (UPDATE 1/29/25 – 1 slot remains at Schmidt’s)
Questions? I’m here to help!
Contact Leah for details at 507-232-9902 or email [email protected]